Dr. Reiner's latest book, due to be published by Routledge in Spring, 2025 is entitled:
The Poetry, Art, and Science of Psychoanalysis in Bion's 'O'
Annie Reiner's previous book -- W.R. Bion's Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction -- was published on November 15, 2022. Dr. Reiner was asked to write this book about Bion for a series of books by Routledge, each of which focuses on an important figure in psychoanalysis. Please see the flyer from Routledge, and a more direct link to order Dr. Reiner's new and innovative book about this great psychoanalytic genius -- Wilfred Bion.
Here are some endorsements of Dr. Reiner's book
There are many books on Bion. This one is different... This beautifully written book captures the imagination of the reader, inviting him or her to think with Reiner about the development of Bion’s ideas.
Thomas Ogden, member and supervising analyst, San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis (SFCP), and Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC)
One of the best expositions of Bion's ideas and clinical work... a clear, accessible and deep reflection of Bion's thinking... Anyone interested in human experience, philosophy and psychoanalysis will surely find in this book, much needed, touching and evocative food for thought.
Joshua Durban, Ph.D., child and adult training, supervising psychoanalyst, Israeli Psychoanalytic Society,
Recent Articles:
- Dr. Reiner's review of Sandor Ferenczi: A Contemporary Introduction, Fergusson, A; Gutierrez-Pelaez Routledge, 2022, will be published this year in The Journal of American Psychoanalysis
-"'O' Mystico", Revista Brasilieira de Psicanalyse, Volume 55, n. 2, 2021, pp. 27-38.
–"What language are we speaking? Bion and Early Emotional Life”, The American Journal of Psychoanalysis,81(1),6-26).
–“Shame and the betrayal of the self”. In Contemporary Klein and Bion in Los Angeles: Developments in Psychoanalysis, Phoenix Publishing House, projected publication, 2002.
May 23-25, 2025
- Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis (CCP)
"What Language is this Patient Speaking: Limitations of Language in the Psychic Realm"
"Meeting Bion's Challenge: Daring to Imagine".
"The Selected Fact: A Clinical Case Study"
October 25, 2025 - Bion Meets Jung: A Third Modality - Society for Analytical Psychology (SAP), London "Jung & Bion: The Poetry, Mysticism and Art of Psychoanalysis"
October 2, 9, 16, 2024 - Dr. Reiner taught a series of three classes in an on-line course for Kazakhstan.
ZOOM meeting, Israel - January 29, 2023 - Reading Here and Now: Conversations with Authors on Psychotherapy, wit Aner Govrin and Sharon Ziv-Beiman, A Conversation with Annie Reiner on her new book, W.R. Bion's Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge, 2022).
Podcast - December 17, 2022 - New Books in Psychoanalysis podcast with Philip Lance. On New Books Network. A discussion with Dr. Reiner on her new book, W.R. Bion's Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge, 2022).
October 8, 2022 – Bion's Basics & Beyond. "What Language Is This Patient Speaking?" Presented at a joint meeting in Los Angeles of the New Center for Psychoanalysis (NCP) and The Psychoanalytic Center of California (PCC)
Feb 6, 2022 – International Bion Congress, Mexico City
Antonio Santamaria Psychoanalysis Mexico Foundation
Presenting Pre-Congress Paper:
“Clinical Applications: Bion’s Ideas on Language and the Selected Fact”
“The Relationship Between Bion’s Early and Late Periods”
March 5, 2022 – Oklahoma Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, Oklahoma City
“The Making of a Mind: From Pathology to Health”
“Dreams and the Shape of the Mind”
May 21, 2022 – Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanalyse Sao Paulo
“The Unspoken Language: Clinical Applications of Bion’s Ideas on Language and the Selected Fact”
October 8, 2022 – NCP/PCC, Los Angeles
Bion: Basics and Beyond
“What Language Is This Patient Speaking?”
Parts of these papers are based on Dr. Reiner’s recently published paper entitled, "What language are we speaking? Bion and early emotional life" (The American Journal of Psychoanalysis,81(1),6-26), and from her book, Bion’s Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge, projected publication date 2022),
Explorations in Bion's O: Mysteries and Misconceptions of the Transcendent Mind. Seattle, Center for Object Relations, Webinar, September 11, October 9, November 13, 2021.
2020 – “’Mystic Intuition and The Language of Dreams.” Bion International Conference, Barcelona, January, 2020. Plenary presentation.
2019 – New Zealand conference, Auckland (upcoming, February, 2019)
2018 – “Dreams as Unconscious Thinking and Feeling: A Clinical Presentation” – Clinical Café, PCC (October, 2018)
2018 – Israel – Tel Aviv University (3 day conference)
2017 – IPTAR (New York) “Ferenczi’s ‘Astra” and Bion’s ‘O’”: A Clinical Perspective on Early Trauma”
Dr. Reiner will be speaking at the Bion Pre-Congress in Ribeirtao Preto in São Paulo, Brazil in September, 2017. The Congress , entitled “A Shared Memoir of the Future” will be held from September 27th through October 2nd. The other participants are Dr. Paulo Cesar Sandler (Brazil) and Dr. Leandro Stitzman (Argentina)
Dr. Reiner will be speaking to the Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society of São Paulo in the city of São Paulo on October 4th through 6th, 2017.
Dr. Annie Reiner’s book, Bion and Being: Passion and the Creative Mind, examines the most mysterious and revolutionary of Bion’s ideas. With his concept of “O,” Bion provided a new psychoanalytic space in which to explore the mind. It reflects what is essentially a state of being, of mental presence or existence, which is the basis of thinking and creativity. Because O, unknown and unknowable, cannot be represented in linear rational terms, Dr. Reiner explores the similarities between this psychoanalytic space and the artist’s creative sensibility, as well as mystical and religious states, in an effort to bring a more experiential emotional understanding to Bion’s theoretical ideas. She uses examples of the works of artists, poets, writers, theologians, and philosophers, including Rilke, Cummings, Dickinson, Shakespeare, and Beckett, as well as the ideas of Nietzsche and the Gnostic Gospels, to illustrate psychoanalytic concepts. Detailed clinical examples help inexploring the obstacles to these states of being, and how to work clinically to develop access to this creative realm of the mind.
"The clinician and the poet come together in this lucid presentation of Bion's central thinking about the nature of Being." (Karnac Books)